Business development opportunities for online advertisers: customized Performance Marketing trainings

Advertising on dedicated online platforms is an excellent way to quickly grow a business, provided that the chosen strategy is correct, and the choice to use online marketing channels such as Google Ads, Facebook Ads, YouTube Ads, etc. is inspired, regardless of the context. The recommendations of specialists, based on the KANTAR study from June 2021, which deals with the behavior of Romanian buyers during the pandemic, do nothing but encourage the continuation of online marketing campaigns: buyers remain open to advertising even in times of crisis!

How can you ensure that online marketing strategies are aligned with trends, whether this aspect is handled by an in-house department or if you opt for outsourcing services? By facilitating access to correct and updated information, which can be provided as part of a specialized training. 

What type of trainings are suitable for marketing professionals?

One of the obstacles encountered by companies who advertise online, as well as those who work in the digital marketing field, is the difficulty in keeping up with changes brought to platforms, which results in the implementation of an inefficient strategy. On the other hand, there is the need to understand exactly how performance marketing works, in order to build a strategy that provides results or to monitor the solutions implemented, in case digital marketing services have been outsourced. A well-structured and delivered training can eliminate these obstacles from the start. 

If we're talking about a marketing team, ideally the training should be customized and not generic, in which relevant information for the company is provided and specific industry case studies are presented. An example of this is the Performance Marketing training Performance Marketing Training, led by Mădălina Stănescu. Throughout her activity as an accredited Google trainer, Mădălina, who founded Optimized, has led sessions in front of over 20,000 students with different career levels - from experienced managers to experts and consultants, from various backgrounds - small or large companies, operating in fields such as FMCG, retail, services, real estate or e-commerce.

Performance Marketing Training – multiple perspectives, one goal: business growth

In such a vast, dynamic, and competitive field as online marketing, those who choose to invest in specialized trainings will only benefit, as demonstrated by the results of studies and surveys. 

One of the main advantages of Performance Marketing training is that it can be adapted according to perspective, while the results lead to the same goal: growing the business by implementing an efficient digital marketing strategy and by retaining employees who are willing to be involved, and who are given the opportunity to improve in their field. Additionally, it is a complete training that covers essential aspects such as configuring an optimal structure of campaigns, segmenting audiences, setting budgets and performance indicators.

Performance Marketing is the optimal choice for both companies in which there is a marketing team actively involved in strategy development, as well as for those who want to have a clear perspective on the objectives, results and potential of digital marketing platforms, even though these services are outsourced to a partner. 

Trainings are intelligent investments in productivity and efficiency 

According to a survey by PwC, training and professional development opportunities offered by companies are in the top 3 characteristics that make the difference between an attractive job and one that employees could easily give up if they received a better offer. Additionally, a study by IBM supports the results of the aforementioned survey, revealing that employees who feel that they are not helped to develop and cannot achieve professional goals are 12 times more likely to leave the company. 

Offering employees training that increases their level of competence is not only a way to create stability and retain them in an organization in which they feel they have prospects, but also an efficient strategy for growing the business. This is demonstrated by a study in the US, according to which a company's profit can increase, on average, by 24%, as a result of an investment of about $1,500 per employee.  

Although in the Romanian market the largest consumers of training are corporations, there are small and medium-sized companies that understand that trainings are an investment in business. Many of these operate in the online environment and seek to understand how they can exploit the enormous potential offered by various marketing tools and platforms.

If you are also interested in such an opportunity, please contact us and tell us more about the specifics of your business!

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