Our clients have gained profitable scaling results by using performance marketing
Case studies

YoY transactions

„The overall achieved results have determined us to further continue our path, as we are confident enough to believe that what has started from a true passion can be transformed in a valuable service for the people.”

YoY transactions

„În Optimized am găsit un partener de încredere, care ne-a înțeles business-ul și obiectivele, transpuse ulterior în campaniile PPC.”

YoY transactions

„Working with Optimized over the past four years has helped us grow our visibility and has even given us the opportunity to display new products, which are meant to improve our customers’ body image, confidence, and self-esteem.”

YoY transactions

„Cu ajutorul agenției Optimized, a strategiilor de marketing implementate, am ajuns an de an la un public numeros, căruia i-am oferit produsele noastre, realizate la fabrica noastră din Bucovina.”

YoY transactions

„The overall achieved results have determined us to further continue our path, as we are confident enough to believe that what has started from a true passion can be transformed in a valuable service for the people.”

YoY transactions

„Working with Optimized over the past four years has helped us grow our visibility and has even given us the opportunity to display new products, which are meant to improve our customers’ body image, confidence, and self-esteem.”
Our clients